Message from Paul Pittman:
Unbelievable – summer is already here. Time just seems to move faster and faster. We often hear that time is our most precious asset, that we cannot get it back, that we cannot buy it, or that we shouldn’t waste it. I agree completely, but I don’t want to work so hard trying to maximize every minute of every day that I am not enjoying the time I have. I am aware of the limited time that exists, and I want to live in the present to make the most of everyday. We must all find the balance in our lives that allows us to use our time most wisely while enjoying it thoroughly.
Summer is typically a little slower time of the year for most of us, a time to catch our collective breath and enjoy our families and friends. I am hopeful everyone has had a fantastic start to their summer and had an enjoyable 4th of July holiday.
Over the holiday weekend, I had a wonderful evening attending a concert and laughing with friends and family that I do not see as often as I used to—a very good use of my time. It was the continuation of a great start to my family’s summer. We completed our two-week RV vacation to the Badlands, Yellowstone Park, the Grand Tetons and the Rocky Mountains. Breathtaking scenery, amazing wildlife—God was on His A-game when He put all this beauty into place.
One early morning while in the Grand Tetons, I spent some quiet time thinking about where I am in my life and where my family is. I sat and watched the sun rising up over the mountains and took in the cool air. Everything was still and peaceful. I spent a moment being thankful for the opportunity to share this experience with my family. I used the balance of my time that morning to update my bucket list, evaluating how I was spending my time, and working on ways to improve myself and my relationship with others. I mentally reviewed some of the lessons I had learned from a recent read of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. While his writing is a little awkward, the message of the words resonated with me. The four agreements are commitments we make to ourselves. The author suggests we breakdown and throw away the old, not useful agreements we created over the years with ourselves and others and live by these new four agreements:
- Be Impeccable With Your Word
- Don’t Take Anything Personally
- Don’t Make Assumptions
- Always Do Your Best
You may have heard these ideas before, but Ruiz’s view certainly made me look at them a little differently. My biggest take away was the second agreement, “Don’t take anything personally.” Too often in the past I let what others thought and said of me—good and bad—affect my idea of myself. The thoughts and words of others are irrelevant to who we are, and letting go of those outside influences leads to a better understanding and acceptance of ourselves.
I encourage you to take a journey similar to mine, working on becoming a better you, the best you. Invest in your relationships with others and enjoy each of your days. My wish for you is, in the words of one of my favorite recording artists, Tim McGraw, live like you were dying. I know then you will be enjoying the most of your precious time.
God Bless